Please know that online booking is available only for our existing clients.
At the moment The salon is not taking new clients, we do not take new names on our waiting list either. We're working hard to be able soon to accept new clients. Thank you for your understanding
How it works and what you need to know:
-Create your profile here on Salonkee ( if you don't have one already ).
-The email / phone number you registered with must be THE SAME that the one we have in our system otherwise you won't have access to our online schedule.
-On your Salonkee profile you'll be able to see/check all your future appointments, to cancel them and to rebook them.
Please note that the online booking is available only for our existing clients, all the appointments booked for someone else to someonelse's name will not be accepted and charged.
Here is the full address of the online booking :
We are very excited for you to be able to book anytime of the day / week.
Thanks for your understanding
Hope to see you soon here at ByJérémy

- We usually have about 4/6 weeks waiting time on our weekly schedule for our regular clients
- 2 to 3 months for Saturdays
- We don't do full scalp bleach at the salon; therefor it is not available in our service list

Looking forward to see you soon
By Jeremy